Operator of the Month
Bus and rail operators who have gone above and beyondOperator of the Month
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December 2024: Samuel Ladd Meet November’s Operator of the Month: Ike Veiga from the Platte Division! Known for his dedication to training new operators, Ike consistently sets them up for success, earning praise from colleagues. His work helps create strong connections every day.
November 2024: Ike Veiga Meet November’s Operator of the Month: Ike Veiga from the Platte Division! Known for his dedication to training new operators, Ike consistently sets them up for success, earning praise from colleagues. His work helps create strong connections every day.
October 2024: Hayward WardMeet our October #OperatoroftheMonth, Hayward Ward! He's been a a bus operator for 9 years and loves driving route AB!
September 2024: Dambar ShresthaSeptember's Operator of the Month is Dambar Shrestha from the Platte Division! Shrestha was chosen for his actions to prevent his bus from running over a customer who attempted to board while the vehicle was moving
August 2024: Ken PietrovichAugust’s Operator of the Month is operator Ken Pietrovich from the Boulder Division. Pietrovich was selected for his professionalism and courtesy operating a Route AB that was standing room only. He went to extra lengths to make sure customers could get their correct luggage quickly by asking them what their bags looked like as they got off the bus, as well as being friendly and thankful to those who made room to allow customers to get off at their destination.
July 2024: Rich JaroszMr. Jarosz is the gold standard of bus operators. Without fail, he goes the extra mile.
June 2024: Danny HinojosThis month’s Operator of the Month is Danny Hinojos. Hinojos was chosen for his quick thinking while he was waiting at his layover point at Central Park Station when he noticed a person who was laying on the ground at a stop nearby.
May 2024: Jaime ContrerasMeet our May #OperatoroftheMonth, Jaime Contreras! He has been an RTD operator for 26 years and loves to drive the Free MallRide. Check out his Q&A
April 2024: Owen GondweGondwe was nominated for assisting with moving a large pole that had fallen onto Pena Boulevard, causing traffic to back up. Gondwe assisted others in getting the pole off the road so that traffic could flow freely again.
March 2024: Robert BrightMeet our March #OperatoroftheMonth, Robert Bright! After time serving in the US military, Robert started at RTD in 1994 and has collectively driven a total of 20 years at RTD! Thank you Robert for all your hard work and dedication!
February 2024: Briana PerkinsMeet our February #OperatoroftheMonth, Briana Perkins! She loves the freedom of driving for RTD, and that "it's outside and the diversity of the drivers and customers." She was recently commended by a customer for her driving skills.
January 2024: Jacob BlakelyMeet our January Operator of the Month, Jacob Blakely! On more than one occasion, he's gone above and beyond the call of duty and become a crucial part of making our customers’ lives better through connections.
December 2023: Jerry JimenezMeet our December #OperatoroftheMonth, Jerry Jimenez! He's been driving with RTD for 7 1/2 years and previously worked in Airline Management / Airforce. Thanks for driving with us Jerry!
November 2023: Stone ParksMeet our November #OperatoroftheMonth, Stone Parks! He has been an RTD operator since 2019 and would love to drive services like Senior Ride and Broncos Ride. Check out his Q&A.
October 2023: Felix EspinozaMeet our October #OperatoroftheMonth, Felix Espinoza! Operator Espinoza went above and beyond when he noticed a lost child on their own at a station. Rather than simply continue on route, he helped them reconnect with their family.
September 2023: Fernando Macias
August 2023: Amber Ellis
July 2023: LeRoy Landum
June 2023: Marcey Martinez
May 2023: Atenafu Tige
April 2023: Joseph Mays
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